

The software on the pages below are intended for shared use. Each shareware item below contains a page describing the application, the save files and a driver program that shows how the application is to be used. The description page also contains author contact information and the price for the source code.

It is our hope that by hosting a shareware site we will encourage the IDL user community to spend some time writing applications that will be globally useful. While no one is going to get rich writing these routines, perhaps the incentive of a little financial reward will persuade some of you to turn that "cool" personal app into one that others will want to use!

NOTE! A few Netscape users have had trouble downloading the IDL save files succesfully. If this happens to you please email me at ronn@rlkling.com and I will send you the files directly.

Smart compound widget text field with units

If you would like to supply routines for this page please contact ronn@rlkling.com.