Welcome to Ronn Kling Consulting
Specializing in![]()
The Interactive Data Language from Research Systems, Inc. We are dedicated to helping scientists and researchers in their studies. Many times a researcher will know that a mathematical or image processing technique exists, but is unsure how to use it or does not have the time or expertise to incorporate it. We specialize in working with the client in developing applications that will aid them in reaching their goals.
The majority of our work is done using IDL from Research Systems, Inc. However, we also have experience working with FORTRAN, C, and Java.
Along with mathematical analysis is the idea of visualizing the data itself.
Visualization is one of the keys to understanding any problem being worked. Seeing how a curve fits a series of points can be just as important as checking the correlation coefficients. It is our firm belief that incorporating graphical output gives valuable feedback on nearly any analytical algorithm. It can also have the added benefit of making your results easier to communicate.
If you are interested in getting support from us please contact ronn@rlkling.com and we will be happy to talk with you. Our rates are very reasonable and we strive to give you the absolute most for your money.
IDL® is a registered trademark of Research Systems, Inc. for their Interactive Data Language software.